AFPAAA Members Vote To Change Name

AFPAAA Members
Vote To Change Name

AFPAAA To Drop "Alumni"
From Association's Name


Our vote on the name change initiative has concluded. Fifty seven percent of eligible members voted. Of those, there were 233 yea votes and 29 nay votes, with an approval rate of 88.9%. Thank you to all the members who participated in the vote.

A special thanks to the members of the name change committee led by Jay DeFrank, to Steve Everett for orchestrating the vote, Jim McGuire, John Gura, Dick Cole and Judy Bivens for communicating information about the vote and Christine Queen for her invaluable assistance on membership and contact information.

Now that the membership has overwhelmingly approved the initiative the committee will draft recommendations for the board for how best to proceed with implementing the changes this vote authorizes. Please watch our website, Facebook page and newsletter for updates on the progress of this initiative.

Brett Ashworth