AFPAA is led by a board of directors elected by the membership. Each
director serves a two year term. Five board members also serve as
officers of the Association, filling the positions of chairperson,
president, vice president, secretary, and chief financial officer on a yearly basis.
AFPAA's leadership progression protocol dictates that the chairperson step down at the end of his or her term. At the same time, the president, vice president, and secretary each move up one position to replace the previous incumbent, with a new secretary joining the line of succession. This leadership rotation takes place in July of each year.
This sequential assumption of progressively greater responsibilities is designed to ensure the Association benefits from experienced management,
continuity of leadership, and the regular infusion of fresh ideas.
On July 1, 2024, a new team assumed AFPAA’s leadership responsibilities. John Dorrian became the new chair, replacing Brett Ashworth. Eric Schnaible stepped into John’s former role as president, and Carla Sylvester became the vice president. Board member Chuck Merlo volunteered to be the new secretary, becoming part of the leadership succession process.
Special thanks go to Brett, who volunteered to serve an extra year as chair after his planned successor, former president Greg Smith, was unable to assume the chairmanship for medical reasons. Brett will continue to serve AFPAA even longer, as he remains on the board after his reelection to a new two-year term.
In addition to their new roles in the leadership progression protocol, John, Eric, Carla, and Chuck were also reelected for new two-year terms as board members. Incumbent board members Julie Briggs, Jim McGuire, Perry Nouis, Mike Paoli, and chief financial officer Phil Ratliff began the second year of their two-year terms. This year the board welcomed two newly elected members: Linda Chick Haseloff and Cheryl Law.
The current leadership team is pictured below. The duration of each elected member's current term is listed under his or her name. The leadership team also includes Dick Cole, who as the editor of News and Notes — the association’s newsletter — is appointed by the board.
AFPAA also benefits from the work of numerous members who serve on
committees overseen by the board, and the
support and advice of our
past board chairs and presidents.
To find contact information for any individual member of the AFPAA
leadership team, please use either the printed or
online Membership Directory. To reach the entire board of directors, please go to the Contact Us page and choose the Board of Directors option in the form field.
Meetings of AFPAA’s Board of Directors are held on a regularly scheduled quarterly basis. All association members in good standing are welcome, and encouraged, to attend.
The meetings are usually held via Zoom. If you wish to attend a meeting, please use this link to let us know in advance so that we can send you the Zoom information you will need to join the meeting by computer or phone.
The last board meeting was held in San Antonio on October 3, 2024. The next board meeting will be held on Friday, January 10, at 3:00PM Eastern time.
Minutes of previous meetings are archived online.
To view the minutes of recent board meetings, please go here.